Student Absences

Students are expected to attend and be punctual to all classes and events.  School starts at 8.45am each day with Learning Mentor (LM).

  • If a student is absent, it is important that parents/guardians inform the school by 9am on the day, providing a reason.

  • All absentees are recorded at morning LM.  If the College has not been notified of a student’s absence both parents or guardians or custodial parents will be notified by text message to let them know that their child is not at school.  The reason for the absence will be requested as it is a legal requirement that the College notes this on the absence register.

  • If a reply is not received from the students’ parents, their emergency contacts will receive a text message.

  • Attendance is taken at the start of every period.

  • Parents are required to supply a signed note explaining all absences when the child returns to school.

  • Excursions and sports carnivals are part of the school’s planned learning activities and do not require an absence note.

 If a student is late

  • Students arriving late are required to sign-in at Student Reception. 

  • A note or telephone message from parents/guardians is required to support the reason for the lateness.

Phone (03) 5752 1596